After hardworking and constant revision of the project in half a year, United Star has finally obtained GCC certification report, United Star’s products have been recognized by TUV organization, passing the following standards, and can be sold in these countries: United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Bahrain, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Sultanate of Oman, State of Qatar, Kuwait and Republic of Yemen.
IEC 60335-2-80:2015
CISPR 14-1:2016
CISPR 14-2-2015
IEC 61000-3-2:2018
IEC 61000-3-3:2013+A1:2017
What is GCC certification?
GCC is the abbreviation of Gulf Cooperation Council, it is a regional intergovernmental union composing of seven Arab countries – State of Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Bahrain, Kuwait, Sultanate of Oman, and Republic of Yemen.
As a part of the economic integration policy, GCC has formulated, implemented, and maintained its standards and technical regulation which is managed by Gulf Standardization Organization (GSO). To ensure the safety and quality of the goods entering the GSO member states, the GSO has had developed technical regulations supporting its GCC Conformity programs. This includes the development of G Marking and Gulf Technical Regulation for Low Voltage Electrical Equipment and Appliances (BD-142004-01).
The Electrical Equipment and Appliances listed in the following list (2) below entering the GSO member states after July 1, 2016 must have the G marking and meet the requirements specified in BD-142004-01.
·Electric Fans
·Clothes Dryers/Washing Machines
·Food Grinders/Mixers/Juice Extractors
·Hair Dressing Apparatus/Hair Dryers
·Domestic Heating Appliances
·Microwave Ovens
·Cookers/Cooking Plates/Boiling Rings/Grillers/Roasters
·Instantaneous/Storage Water Heaters and immersion heaters
·Electric Irons
·Plugs/Socket outlets/Adaptors/Cord extension sets/Chargers
·Air Conditioners
Electric fans of United Star’s hot-sale products, including stand fans, table fans, ceiling fans, solar fans, rechargeable fans, and portableair conditioners, have obtained GCC certification reports, meeting the admittance standards of seven Arab countries. United Star’s product certification family has added a new member.