Everything You Need to Know About Dehumidifiers: Benefits, Selection Tips, and Optimal Placement


Controlling indoor moisture levels is very important in creating a healthy and comfortable living environment. Excess moisture in indoor air can lead to problems ranging from mold and structural damage to health impacts on respiration. A household dehumidifier can help with a musty attic, damp basement, or humid bathroom. This article will help you understand what the dehumidifier does and what you will gain, enable you to choose the appropriate unit according to your needs, and explain where you should place it to realize maximum performance. Lastly, we will offer some essential maintenance tips for your dehumidifier to run efficiently.

What is a Dehumidifier, and How Does It Work?

It’s designed to remove all the excess moisture from the air, thus eliminating high humidity levels within your household. But what exactly is the operation of a dehumidifier, and how does it go about its task?

Dehumidifier Meaning and Function

The dehumidifier sucks the moist air in draws the moisture out of it and then blows it back out dry. This could help you keep your place feeling proper and healthy, preventing molds, curbing allergens, and keeping it from moisture damage to your home’s fixtures and furnishings.

Types of Dehumidifiers

The two primary types of dehumidifiers are refrigerant and desiccant. Today, we’ll talk only about refrigerant types.

Refrigerant Types

They work the way air conditioners do, drawing moistened air into the dehumidifier to pass over cold coils so that the moisture will then condense into droplets, which will collect into a reservoir or even just drip away. The dry air is then reheated and released back into the room.

The best refrigerant models operate very well in countries with hot climates, and it is primarily through maximum use in homes and offices.


How Dehumidifiers Work

A dehumidifier basically works through a series of steps:

  1. Air Inlet:The system takes moist air from the atmosphere.
  2. Moisture Removal: In refrigerant models, it is anticipated that the passing air passes through cold coils, and because the coils are cold, the moisture will condense into water droplets.
  3. Reheating:Dry air is further reheated to the required comfortable temperature.
  4. Air Release: The dry, warm air will be released into the space.
  5. Water Disposal:Collected moisture is simply stored within the reservoir, which should be emptied periodically, or it can also be drained continuously through a hose.

So, it removes excess humidity from your living environment, which is usually in the range of about 30-50%, to keep you comfortable and healthy and save your belongings from its damaging effect.

Advantages of Using a Dehumidifier

A house dehumidifier has many advantages which one could never imagine in one’s living place. Below are some key benefits that a person will achieve through using a home dehumidifier and the reasons for them.

1. Health Benefits

Preventing mold and mildew: High humidity levels result in a perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew, which cause numerous health problems like respiratory tract problems and allergies. The room dehumidifier controls and keeps these annoyances away, maintaining appropriate humidity levels.

Reduction of Dust Mites: Since dust mites thrive in moist conditions and are responsible for causing asthma and various allergies in sufferers, by bringing down the relative humidity levels, a dehumidifier reduces dust mites and improves indoor air quality.

Alleviation Respiratory Issues: Low humidity would help reduce various respiratory problems, e.g., asthma and bronchitis, among others. Dry air is so much easier to breathe; with this, your home is comfortable for individuals with respiratory issues.

2. Protect your Home Structure and Furnishings

Prevention of Structural Damage: Wood warps and metal rusts when exposed to abnormally high amounts of moisture. This exposure will cause structural damage if it resides in a home for a long time. Therefore, a dehumidifier ensures the structural integrity of a house by taking out extra moisture in the air. Preservation of Furnishings: Excessive humidity damages furniture, carpets, and electronics. A balanced moisture level created by the dehumidifier saves your possessions from impending damage while increasing their life span.

3. More Comfort and More Energy Savings

Comfort: Lower humidity levels make the air feel more serene and, during the summertime, make it more comfortable. This, therefore, reduces the dependency on air conditioning systems and directly reflects energy savings.

Energy Efficiency: Dehumidification will improve your HVAC unit’s function. It ensures that the air in your house will be drier, and the air conditioner won’t require as much energy when cooling the home, thus lowering your bills.

4. Reduce Odor

Elimination of Musty Odors: The musty odors caused by mold and mildew result from high humidity. Dehumidifiers keep the air dry and fresh to avoid such nasty smells.


How to Choose the Right Dehumidifier

Deciding which dehumidifier to choose for your house is the most critical decision to keep the indoor humidity levels in check. Here are some essential factors to consider:

Size and Capacity

Room Size: The room size for which the dehumidifier has to work will determine its capacity. Small-sized rooms, like beds and bathrooms, will require small capacity and compact units. For bigger rooms like the basements and living rooms, the correct model with higher capacity has to be used.

Moisture Level: If you reside in an area with very high humidity or face heavy moisture problems, go for a higher-capacity dehumidifier to address issues regarding moisture accurately.

Humidity Control

Built-in humidistat: While shopping around, look for models with an inbuilt humidistat that should permit you to set your preferred moisture level. This feature is going to allow the dehumidifier to work only when necessary, hence saving energy and increasing the useful life of the unit.

Energy Efficiency

Energy Star Rating: Energy efficiency is rated with an Energy Star label, which is given to a dehumidifier to meet energy performance levels not exceeding a set level by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards. Energy-efficient units eat up smaller wattage, reducing electricity usage and, consequently, a smaller electric bill.

Noise Level

Quiet Operation: Do look for the noise level the home dehumidifier would make, especially when one has to place the same in some living room or bedroom. Look for a unit designed to work quietly so one can enjoy the serene environment without noise hindrance.

Additional Features

Continuous Drainage: In some dehumidifiers, this feature will lead collected water through a hose directly to a sink or drain, thus saving the user the hassle of personally emptying water from the tank.

Portability: Look for a portable dehumidifier with wheels and handles if it will be moved from room to room.

Auto Restart: This function permits the dehumidifier to restart automatically with previous settings if the power goes out.


Therefore, in this way, one will find a dehumidifier that is fit for their needs and thus have a very comfortable home free of any forms of moisture.

Where Should I Place My Dehumidifier?

The placement of your dehumidifier can make a great deal of difference in terms of its overall effectiveness. Here are some ideal locations in your home that are sure to pair nicely with a dehumidifier:

Basements and Crawl Spaces

Dehumidification has a direct environmental impact. Moisture problems are usually most severe in basements because they are at or near grade and poorly ventilated. Installing a dehumidifier in the basement prevents moisture accumulation, mold development, and an unwanted odor. The same can be done in crawl space, by installing a dehumidifier; you’ll keep humidity low and protect your house’s foundation from getting moist.

Bathrooms and Laundries

Bathrooms produce a great deal of moisture from the daily showering or bathing. A small dehumidifier can assist in maintaining the extra humidity in the bathroom before it turns into mold or mildew on the walls and ceilings. This could also help keep drying in the air within a laundry room if the washers and dryers produce excessive steaminess, again avoiding moisture-related problems.

Bedrooms and Social Spaces

A dehumidifier in your bedroom or living area would reduce humidity, resulting in dampness and condensation on windows, thus improving the air quality and comfort. A dehumidifier can keep the moisture level low in the living and bedroom areas, starve off the possibility of allergens and dust mites, and make them a haven for you and your family’s health.


Moisture also occurs frequently in kitchens when cooking and washing dishes. One can ensure that the right amount of humidity is left at the correct level, which will not cause molds in kitchen cabinets and some kitchen appliances, by placing a home dehumidifier in the proper position.

Storage Areas

Another area is that of garages, attics, or wardrobes, which are used to store essential items that, when in contact with damp air, a dehumidifier will ensure the environment and air within them are dry and keep the materials stored in good condition. High humidity levels usually make clothes, documents, and other essential things predisposed to the emergence of mold, and a dehumidifier will help keep the items dry and well-kept.

Maintenance Tips for Keeping Your Dehumidifier Running Efficiently

Proper maintenance ensures that your dehumidifier runs smoothly and efficiently and has a long life span. Here are some ways in which you can properly maintain your equipment:

Regular Cleaning

The air filter needs washing, having piled up so much dust and allergens that block the free circulation in the room. The filter needs washing with warm, soapy water at least once a couple of weeks, and then it has to be well dried before being inserted back.

Dust and other particles pile on the dehumidifier coils; this might finally make the dehumidifier inefficient. These coils must be cleaned with a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner regularly.

Ensure Proper Drainage

Always empty the water bucket regularly so the unit does not overflow. If your model has the continuous drainage feature, always check if the drainage tube is intact and in place to avoid moisture leaking onto the floor.

For continuous drainage models, check the drainage hose and its outlet occasionally to see if the water flows freely and does not back up.

Periodic Inspection

Check for Wear and Tear: Inspect the power cord, plug, and all other parts for signs of wear and tear. Replace the parts that have gotten damaged in time to avoid breakdowns.

Check for Humidity: Keep watching the humidity levels in your house with a hygrometer. Make modifications to your dehumidifier using the settings you have determined.

Proper Storage

Store a dehumidifier when not using it for an extended period, cleans it appropriately, and ensure all water inside is drained from the reservoir and the internal drain lines. Storage shall be done in a cool, dry place to avoid mold growth inside the unit.

Implementing these maintenance tips will keep your dehumidifier running effectively and smoothly all the time.

The Bottom Line

A dehumidifier is an indispensable appliance to maintain good health and comfort while living in an indoor area. The benefits accruing are therefore spelled out as follows: the growth of mold is prevented, allergens are reduced to a healthy environment, it protects the actual structure of your home from being damaged, thus increasing the quality of the air. Essential ideas to acquire include understanding their benefits, picking out the correct model, placing them correctly, and conducting regular maintenance to control the humidity in your home. For these reasons, a dehumidifier is a good investment for a better life.

United Star’s Dehumidifier

We offer two capacities of the dehumidifiers are 10L and 12L at dehumidifier supplier United Star and meet the potential needs. Our units are portable, stylishly designed home dehumidifiers that work with a power source voltage of 220-240V; hence, they are suitable for residential applications. This is more than a dehumidifier- an inclusive device with purification and anions functions. Our domestic dehumidifiers work under harsh and very humid conditions, and work concertedly in improving the living and working environments through a reduction of mold and suspended air particles; hence, dry and comfortable space for you.

That’s one significant benefit—our four-in-one dehumidifiers. They feature a fan, dehumidifier, air purifier, and a wardrobe dryer. It also possesses 24-hour timing, an LED display, an independent dehumidification outlet, a visual water level indicator, a remote control, a standard/sleep mode, and universal wheels. Being a reliable dehumidifier manufacturer in China, we provide high-performance products and exceptional customer service. For wholesale inquiries and more information, feel free to contact us.







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